The Importance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Let’s explore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the safe places of our ocean’s biodiversity. In the world of conservation, MPAs are a key strategy for safeguarding the most lively and endangered parts of our oceans. These are special areas–managed by a variety of stakeholders, including governments, local communities, and organizations like ours–that vary from places with… Continue Reading →

Uniting for Coral Reefs: The Powerful Partnership between Coral Reef Alliance and ASIDE Honduras

Our best strategy in the face of escalating environmental challenges is to harness the power of collaboration to ensure coastal communities are resilient. We’re glad to announce our partnership between the Coral Reef Alliance and ASIDE Honduras (Association for Integral Development and Environmental Sustainability) to protect valuable coral reef ecosystems on the North Coast of… Continue Reading →

Empowering Artisanal Fishers in Micos Lagoon, Honduras

Micos Lagoon, nestled in the heart of Honduras, stands as a symbol of ecological and economic significance. This natural wonderland is an essential breeding ground for several endangered species of marine life, including sea turtles, manatees, and American crocodiles, and plays a crucial role in preserving the region’s biodiversity. In addition to its ecological value,… Continue Reading →

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