While riding in the Wahikuli Watershed, have you wondered about the “Native Forest Restoration” banner?

At Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL), we work with the community to restore the watershedRight now, when it rains heavily, sediment from up mauka travels down degraded stream beds and old dirt roads into the ocean, where it smothers coral reefs. We’re reforesting the area and using native plants to trap sediment and keep it out of the ocean and off the reef. But we need your help.

Join Our Talk Story to Learn More

Join our upcoming talk story to learn more about how you and your bike can help us protect Maui’s watershed and coral reefs.

Thursday, June 4
4:30-5 PM HST
Join the Meeting Online

How You Can Be a Responsible Rider

When riding, consider following these best practices to protect our reforestation site and help save coral reefs:

  1. Use alternate routes and avoid riding on the dirt roads near streams
  2. Avoid tampering with plants or science monitoring equipment
  3. Clean off your vehicle in between locations to avoid spreading invasive species

Some of the science monitoring equipment you may see on your rides includes:

  • Sediment posts to measure the amount of sediment captured by our traps and native plants
  • A weather station to monitor the rainfall and compare that with the amount of sediment running off the mauka
  • A turbidity boom that measures the amount of sediment that runs off mauka over time

How Do We Reforest the Watershed?

Learn more about reforestation project by exploring this Story Map:

Interested in volunteering to help restore the watershed? Email Larissa Treese to get involved.

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Ayuda a salvar los arrecifes de coral del mundo