Thank you—your purchase supports coral reef conservation efforts around the world!

Did you know that scientists predict that all coral reefs will be threatened by 2050? But there is still reason for hope. Scientific research shows that coral reefs can adapt to the effects of climate change if given the right conditions such as clean water, health fisheries, and intact ecosystems.

By saving coral reefs from the effects of climate change, you help more than a million marine species and support countless communities that depend on coral reefs for food, income, and coastal protection.

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Photo Credit: Antonio Busiello

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Celebramos Nuestra Alianza con Jean-Michel Cousteau y la Ocean Futures Society

Estamos más que emocionados de anunciar que nos hemos asociado con la legendaria Ocean Futures Society (OFS), fundada por el mismísimo Jean-Michel Cousteau. Juntos estamos lanzando una poderosa alianza para proteger nuestros océanos, crear conciencia e inspirar a la acción. Jean-Michel Cousteau también nos acompañará como orador principal en la próxima Gala CORAL Forever. Pero… Sigue Leyendo →

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