*Read our pioneering study on how evolution can help coral reefs survive climate change.*

CORAL and our research partners from Rutgers University, Stanford University, the University of Queensland, and the University of Washington formed the Modeling Adaptation Potential (MAP) Project to improve the scientific understanding of how coral reefs can adapt to rapid change, and is using this knowledge to identify conservation strategies that promote adaptation and account for uncertainty about future environmental conditions. The project focuses on building a powerful mathematical model to simulate different future scenarios for coral reefs and is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

CORAL is currently implementing the findings of the MAP Project to create, facilitate and support Adaptive Reefscapes, which are regional networks of coral reefs that promote adaptation to help corals survive climate change. Our research suggests that management and evolution together can help corals adapt to rising temperatures, contrary to predictions about coral reefs that don’t include adaptation and paint a grim picture for their survival.

This year marks CORAL’s 25th anniversary of combining science-based solutions with effective community-driven conservation, and we’re sharing our findings with partners and others in conservation to help them save coral reefs before it’s too late.

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