2021 Annual Report
Because of you, coral reefs are healthier, wildlife populations are more abundant, and communities are more resilient. By helping us partner with organizations to tackle local impacts on coral reefs, like wastewater pollution and overfishing, you give coral reefs a fighting chance against climate change.

Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
You give me so much hope for coral reefs. Despite being in the second year of a global pandemic, you helped us achieve tangible, lasting wins for coral reefs in 2021. Your generosity enabled our team to expand our impact and ensure corals have clean, clear water and vibrant wildlife populations.
I simply cannot thank you enough. I feel so honored to be part of this tremendous community of coral reef advocates. It’s my pleasure to share our 2021 Annual Report with you and to celebrate the impact we’ve had on coral reefs and the communities who rely on them.
Thank you for all that you do to save the world’s coral reefs,
Madhavi Colton, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Thank You
From near and far, our global team of passionate environmentalists would like to say thank you. Thank you for your generosity, shared passion for coral reef conservation, and ongoing support in 2021. We are optimistic that, together, we will continue to keep coral reefs healthy—allowing them to adapt to climate change and thrive for future generations.

This has been a remarkable year for CORAL, thanks to donors like you. On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for making our 2021 fiscal year the second highest fundraising year ever for CORAL with more than $4 million in total revenue.
Institutional revenue was also the second highest that it’s ever been this year, bringing in over $2.7M to help us save coral reefs. And things look even more promising for this current fiscal year as we continue to build our corporate partnership program and find new individuals to join our cause.
As in previous years, your donation goes where it is needed most. Nearly three quarters of our total expenses go directly to our program teams’ work keeping corals healthy and giving them a fighting chance against climate change.
To be in such a secure financial position during the second year of a global pandemic with so much economic insecurity is a testament to your commitment to saving coral reefs. Thank you for being so dedicated to this vital work. We couldn’t do it without you.
Rob Watt
Revenue and Support
Individual and corporate contributions | $1,331,320 |
Foundation and government grants | $2,721,903 |
Other revenue | $3,148 |
Total revenue and support: | $4,056,371 |

Program services | $2,067,468 |
Management and general | $408,510 |
Fundraising | $444,043 |
Total expenses: | $2,920,021 |

Net Assets
Change in net assets | $1,136,350 |
Net assets, beginning of year | $2,601,878 |
Total net assets, end of year | $3,738,228 |
Thank You to Our Donors
Thank you for all that you’ve done this past year to keep coral reefs healthy. Your support has an impact: because of you, corals have cleaner water, healthier wildlife communities, and communities dedicated to their protection. We are so very grateful.
Jeff Chanin
Steven and Debbie Cohen
Mac and Leslie McQuown
The Minarik Family Charitable Fund
Seattle Community Foundation
Robert Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Whitley
Williams Family Charitable Fund
The Bear Gulch Foundation
David W. Blackburn
Boger Family Foundation
Edmund and Mary Carson
Doug Huestis
The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation
Anne London
Christine Longenecker and Richard Shoup
Ellen and Jim Lussier
The Chris and Melody Malachowsky Family Foundation
Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation
W. Scott and Judith N. McNary Charitable Fund
The Monarch Foundation
Nature Defense Foundation
Parish Episcopal School
Jim and Ginger Tolonen
Melissa Aaron and James Winnard
Madhu Advani
Ashwinjyot Charitable Foundation LLC
G. P. “Buzz” Avery
Foster Bam
Roberta and Bob Baxter
The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
Bruce Berning
Edward P. Biggins
Tony Birdsey
Gary Block and Justine Johnson
Jeffrey Bohn
Robin Boyer
Chloe Bremner
Daniel Brodnitz
Joyce and Roland Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Burghart
Lauretta Burke
B. Crosby Byers
Heather Campbell
Joseph Casale
The Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation
Anit Chakraborty
Lynann Chance
Christopher Cherney
Christian Family Foundation
Colonial Hill Foundation
Cox Farms Virginia, Inc.
Walter Craig
Benjamin Curran
Buzz and Cindy Danner
The Thomas R. and Deborah A Davidson Foundation
Charles Delmar Foundation
David Demming
Sharon Depriester
Stephen Dey and Ashley Gibb
Michael DiRuggiero
Ricarda Dormeyer
The Rose and David Dortort Foundation
Fred M. Drennan
Anthony Dresden
Margaret J. Drury
John Eichhorn
David and Sarah Epstein
Jose Estrada
Jennifer and Scott Etter
Beth Fabinsky
Andrew Fairley
Beth Wendel and Randall Ferguson
John and Fletcher Forbes
Steffen and Deborah Foster
Susan Freedman
Suzanne Frey
The Fullgraf Foundation
Charla Gabert
Ashton Galya
James R Gardner Foundation
Jack P. and Debbie Gibson
Nicko and Katie Gladston
Glancy Family Trust
Sandra Glenn
Mariá José Gonzalez
Grace Family Foundation
Thomas Grane
Rita and Leo Greenland Family Foundation
Shaun Griffith
Brenton Grimes
Lauren Guajardo
Timothy S Gudukas
Britanie Hall
Hampson Family Charitable Fund
Joseph Hanley
Philippe Hartl
Daniel Havir
Heron Creek Fund
Hiemstra Family Charitable Giving Fund
The Hirth Family Foundation
Steven R Hoekman and Nancy J Bauer
Robert Hoffer Family Foundation
Betsy Hughes
Becky Jacobs
Joel Jakubson
Roger Janeway
Mark Stephen Jardini
Alexandra Jones
Alexander Julie
Lisa Kaeck
Shane and Vani Keil
Kelly/Butler Donor Advised Fund
Julie Kelsey
William O. and Anita B. Kerr
Jeanie and Murray Kilgour
Marjorie Klayman
Andrew Klein
Jill and Alex Kreston
Craig B. Laub
Cynthia Lauper
Geraldine Lee
Rachel Levine
Ronald M. Libby
Dennis Lund
Whitney Lynn and Travis Townsend
Susan M
Make Waves Charitable Gift Fund
Genevieve Marsh
Bradley Mart
Kreg Martin
Mary Martin
Ann Mazzucco Charitable Fund
Pamela Burns McCabe
John Meier
Brian and Heidi Miller
Joe H. Miller
Irene Gawel Money Giving Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Monnier
Nancy Munro
Paula Newcomb
John Newton
Scott Novotney
Brendan O’Grady and Priscilla Tan
Paul O’Doherty
William Oberbeck
Andrew Palmieri
Justin Palpant
Greg Pfeil
James Polley Cares Fund
Julian and Katherine Potenza
Pamela Price
Steven Ragland
Grace Jones Richardson Trust
Maureen Richardson
Nancy Rieger
Camille Riner
Jason and Brooke Rodier
Rogers Family Foundation
Nicholas Rose
Mark Rovner and Shira Saperstein
Heather Runes and Rodney Prell
Kevin Schofield
Thomas and Hilary Schroeder
Robert Scott
Elizabeth and Noah Silverman
Greg and Mimi Slyngstad
Raina and Kai Smithley
Ellen Smolka and Tom Wolf
Margaret Snowdon Family Fund
Greg Sparks
Staley Family Charitable Fund
Greg Steele
Alan Stewart
Roshan and James Strong
John Stires and Sarah Heiman
Alexander Sumberg
Julie Tanner
Maria Taylor
Rob Thorpe
Jennifer Woods Tierney
Paul S. and Leigh Tischler
Christopher D. Tower
Chia-Yin Tu
Andrew Turnbull
David Turner
Ullman Family Charitable Foundation
The Jonathan P. Graham and Elizabeth B. Ulmer Fund
Jon and Nicole Ungar
Jasper Van Mastrigt
Rebecca Vilatuna
The Wacksman Family Charitable Fund
Patricia Wade
Elizabeth Wagner
K. Walder-Christensen Charitable Trust
William and Ann Waller
Julie Watt
The Harvey, Dan, Kyle, and Hunter Weinstein Foundation
Weisman Family Foundation
Robert Wells
Beth Wendel and Randall Ferguson
Greg White
Roberta Wiener and James Arnold
Sonja Wilder
Williams Family Fund
Mark Winnett
Bob and Leone Woods
Jeff Yonover
Daeyoung Yoon
Katharine and John Youngblood
Your Bag Tag
Zegar Family Foundation
Dina Zimmerman
Christopher Zirpoli and Rachel Carr
Institutional Funders
10% for the Ocean
Andrew R. and Janet F. Miller Foundation
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
Argosy Foundation
Asociacion GOAL Internacional
Atherton Family Foundation
Bently Foundation
Big G Charitable Foundation
Blue Solutions
Bonnell Cove Foundation
The Builders Initiative
The Campbell Foundation
The Flora Family Foundation
Fred Gellert Family Foundation
Global Environment Facility (GEF-SGP)
Hawai’i Community Foundation
Hawai’i Department of Health
Hawaiian Electric Industries Charitable Foundation
Lyda Hill Philanthropies
Lillian Lincoln Foundation
MAR Fund
The Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
Moore Family Foundation
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
The Overbrook Foundation
The Summit Foundation
Corporate Partners ($5,000+)
Brooklyn Brigade
Caldwell Gallery Hudson
Coleman Associates
Color the World Cosmetics
Grant Industries
Hailey Home
Hawaiian Airlines
Josie Maran
Project Reef
Pura Vida Bracelets
Workplace Giving ($1,000)
Ameriprise Financial
Apple Matching Gifts Program
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Comcast Employee Giving
Google Matching Gifts Program
Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Raytheon Technologies
Red Hat, Inc
In Memory Recipients ($1,000)
Lisa Choquette and Tom Shockley
Gary Covey
Hannah Dakota Hartl
Patrick Rockstroh
John Byron Tanner and Rudolf Meck Hergenrother
Roy Thomas
Diane Thorpe
Steven Vianest
JoAnn Zigahn
Supporting CORAL’s Volunteers in Maui
We are proud to support a dedicated team of local volunteers in Maui, Hawai‘i as they work to protect the valuable coral reefs in their community.
Investing in Water and Sanitation
Clean water is critical—both for the health of coral reefs and the communities that depend on them. That’s why we support sanitation efforts in places like Coxen Hole, Honduras.