Hear from CORAL’s Executive Director, Heather Starck, and Board Chair, Kirby Ryan

Clean Water for Reefs
Land-based pollution and poor water quality are the biggest threats to coral reef survival. Through collaborative efforts with coastal communities, we establish resilient infrastructure and implement impactful community initiatives, ensuring that coral reefs receive the essential clean and transparent water they require.
communities partnered with CORAL to build and manage wastewater treatment infrastructure, keeping sewage out of the ocean
bills introduced to the legislature to expedite cesspool conversion in Hawai‘i
gallons of sewage kept out of the water in coastal Honduras
water quality monitoring sites established across the Western Caribbean and Hawai‘i that inform conservation interventions
native plants installed in West Maui to prevent sediment from running into the ocean and smothering coral reefs
Sustainable Fisheries
Coral reefs support over 6 million fishers with food and income worldwide. But when reefs are overfished, the ecosystems can quickly collapse. We design lasting community-driven programs to ensure coral reefs have healthy fisheries while also providing vital benefits to the people who depend upon them.

pieces of gear and 4.4 km of illegal fishing nets were confiscated by patrol boats in Honduras
partners in our alliance banded together to standardize methods for monitoring of lobster and conch
increase in fish biomass in Los Micos Lagoon area
square kilometers of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Honduras are now effectively managed and protected by patrol boats
kilometers of ocean/coastline surveilled by patrol boats between Utila, Roatan and Tela to ensure illegal fishing actions are prevented and stopped

Resilient Coastal Communities
Conservation begins with the people who depend most on coral reefs and the partners who share a passion for our mission. We believe that by building the capacity of our local partners, we build the capacity for a healthier future for the coral reef ecosystem.
guides deployed to strengthen community decision-making and alliance engagement including a bleaching toolkit and wastewater management
like-minded organizations participated in the first ever Coral Bleaching Awareness Month in November
raised to support a new Community Resilience Fund, a response to climate-related emergencies in coastal communities like Lahaina
organizations in our alliance worked with us to protect coral reefs, ensuring they have clean water and sustainable fisheries
in funds awarded to build the capacity of local environmental organizations
Climate Adaptation
Science is at the foundation of our work and informs our strategies at a local, regional and global scale. Building off our earlier climate adaptation research showing that coral reefs can adapt to climate change, our research is advancing to develop freely available estimates of coral reef diversity and adaptive capacity to climate change, which would be a game changer for coral conservation planning.

partners launched research in the Coral Triangle on climate change adaptation for both coral reefs and the coastal communities that depend on them
scientific studies published to inform management plans that will reduce stressors to coral reefs and inform large-scale marine spatial planning in the face of climate change
marine scientists/conservationists trained for the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment, a standardized protocol in the Caribbean to monitor coral and benthic organisms
people were trained to use the Allen Coral Atlas Bleaching Monitoring System and various coral bleaching methodologies and resources
bleaching data points collected for the Main Hawaiian Islands, Gulf of Aqaba, Madagascar, Mauritus, Torres Strait, Great Barrier Reef, Fiji and the Mesoamerican Region, in order to test the accuracy of the newly-launched Allen Coral Atlas bleaching monitoring
Your Support is Making Waves
I continue to be impressed by the accomplishments of the CORAL team and extend heartfelt gratitude to our supporters. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend sincere thanks for your contributions that propelled our calendar year 2023 to success, yielding a total revenue exceeding $3.6M*. CORAL’s expansion of impactful conservation programs and scientific initiatives continues to unfold in an operationally efficient and cost-effective manner.
This significant impact is achievable through the unwavering dedication, active involvement, and financial support of individuals, foundations and corporations who recognize the vital importance of safeguarding and preserving coral reefs.
Each donation plays a crucial role, ensuring funds are directed where they are most needed. In the year 2023, an impressive 76% of our total expenses directly supported the efforts of program teams dedicated to maintaining the health of corals and fortifying their resilience against the challenges posed by climate change.
Being in a position of financial security amid prevailing economic uncertainties is a testament to your steadfast commitment to coral reef conservation. Your support is critical, and we couldn’t undertake this mission without you.
*Does not include a $3.2M federal grant secured by CORAL in 2023
—Rob Watt, Treasurer
& Support
Revenue and Support
● Foundation and government grants | $1,738,753 |
● Individual and corporate contributions | $1,851,775 |
● Other revenue | $69,672 |
Total revenue and support | $3,660,200 |
● Program services | $3,235,405 |
● Fundraising | $740,464 |
● Management and general | $288,919 |
Total expenses | $4,264,788 |
Net Assets
Change in net assets | $101,091 |
● Net assets, beginning of year | $3,860,113 |
● Total net assets, end of year | $3,961,204 |
Thank you from the CORAL team
In our 30th year, our commitment to protecting the world’s coral reefs has never been stronger. With optimism and science driving our mission, we push forward into this milestone year, knowing that there is hope for the future of reefs.
By forging networks of resilient reefs, our scientists, advocates, supporters and partners are offering corals a better chance of survival in the face of climate change. Our team understands the magnitude of this task and the necessity for collective action. We continue to invest in healthier fisheries and cleaner water for healthier, adaptive reefs. Therefore, we remain steadfast in having an approach grounded in science and reflected in our program work, empowering communities to thrive and assume ownership of their resources. In this way, we proudly embody the essence of our name as an alliance.
YOU play an indispensable role in making our mission achievable. To honor our three decades of conservation work, we invite you to continue championing these crucial initiatives as we carry onward into our next thirty years.
—Heather Starck, Executive Director
Better Natures Foundation
Chris and Melody Malachowsky
W. Scott and Judith N. McNary Charitable Fund
Rob and Dawn Watt
John and Vicky Whitley
Shannon Williams
Margaret Anderson and Bruce McConnell
Jeff and Mary Ann Chanin
The Bear Gulch Foundation
The Boger Family Foundation
Katharyn Gerlich
Sara Hinkle
Doug Huestis and Barb Klencke
Murray and Jeanie Kilgour
The Erin Byrne Lynch Fund
PM Marvin and Joanne McIntyre Family Foundation
Jim and Megan Minarik
The Templeton Family Foundation
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Toretsky
Cathy and David Turino
The Clai and Brian Bachmann Charitable Fund
Joyce and Roland Bryan
Julie Chaiken and Ethan Grigsby
Karen Cohn
John and Sueyin DeBorde
The Rose and David Dortort Foundation
John and Fletcher Forbes
Peggy Gennatiempo
Rita and Leo Greenland Family Foundation
James and Vicki Handa
Barry Ishikawa
Roger Janeway
Nalani Kele
Kelly/Butler Donor Advised Fund
Marjorie Klayman
C.B. Laub Family Foundation
Anne London
Andrea Nacca
Public Property Financing Corporation of California
Heather Starck
Jim and Ginger Tolonen
Tucker Family Foundation
C. Elizabeth Wagner
Patricia J. Appold Family Charitable Fund
G. P. “Buzz” Avery
Heidi Barrett
Erin Berman
Bruce Berning
Chloe Bremner
Daniel and Barbara Brodnitz
Michael and Jane Brown
Laura Buchbinder
Cyril Burchenal
Christian Family Foundation
B. Crosby Byers
Joseph and Melissa Casale
Barbara and Joseph Chambers
Lynann Chance
Davina Chen
Peggy Chen and Julian Lee
Lance and Kathy Chilton
Kimberly Codiamat
Jessica Cohen
Steve and Debbie Cohen
Joseph Coyne
Walter and Lauren Craig
The Cross Family Fund
Benjamin Curran
Shannon Daly
Buzz and Cindy Danner
Katherine Delhotal
David Demming
Sharon DePriester
Douglas and Martha Dyckes
Michael Eggebrecht
Eisenberg Family Foundation
Estrada Family Giving Fund
Beth Fabinsky
Andrew Fairley
Feldman Family Fund
Randall and Beth Ferguson
Aaron Fink and Vicki Porter-Fink
Stephen and Lana Fitzpatrick
Suzanne Fontaine and Andre Brandt
Susan Freedman
Nancy Garren
Jack and Debbie Gibson
Cindy and John Glancy
Sandra Glenn
Joshua Glover
Douglas Golann
Goldfarb Family Fund
Maria Jose Gonzalez
Linyu Guo
Gutierrez Family Charitable Fund
Carl and Beth Gwinn
FBO Hampson Family Charitable Fund
Dennis Hastings
Hirth Family Foundation
Hoffer Family Foundation
Craig Holmes
Betsy Hughes
Jeanette Jackson
Gus Janeway
Marcia and Dale Johnson
The Jones Family Foundation
Alexandra Jones
Alexander Julie
Sarah Kerem
Kissinger Family Foundation
Robert Klein
Mark Kubik
Randy Levine
Ronald Libby and Janene Miller
William Lloyd
Dennis Lund
Tony Lundberg
Whitney Lynn and Travis Townsend
Genevieve and Tom Marsh
Kreg Martin
Mary Institute Country Day School
Eric McCallum and Robin Smith
Michelle McCombs
Susan McCready
Kathy McDonnell
Belle and Duncan McDougall
Dylan Measells
The Meier and Berlinghof Families Fund
Manuel and Angela Mejia
Brian and Heidi Miller
Donna Miller
Joe Miller
Eugene Monnier
Paul and Sandra Montrone
Bob Nakib
Nash Giving Fund
John Newton
William Oberbeck
Frank Orson
Kathryn and Richard Osten
Robert Overby and David Salice
PAJWELL Foundation
Andrew Palmieri
Anjali Pathmanathan
Julian and Katherine Potenza
Patricia Price
Simon Pyatkin
Molly Weeden Pyne
Rachel Racanelli
Colton Rahav
Ian and Kira Reed
Maureen Richardson
Linda Rogers
Jason and Nancy Rosenthal
Rebecca Rubin
Heather Runes and Rodney Prell
Samantha Russell
Monica and Russell Ryan
Ishan Saraf
Mike and Kathryn Schnetzer
Thomas and Hilary Schroeder
Gaidig Secher
Fred Silvester
Raina and Kai Smithley
Ellen Smolka and Tom Wolf
Margaret Snowdon Family Fund
Greg Sparks
Christopher Spencer
Bryce Sprecher
Steve and Lindy Starck
Greg Steele
John Stires and Sarah Heiman
Roshan Strong
Lydia and Jason Taylor
Jennifer Teixeira
Paul and Leigh Tischler
Adam Tratt and Deb Rappaport
Chia-Yin Tu
David and Joanne Turner
Jon and Nicole Ungar
William and Farina van Veen
Patricia Wade
Kathryn Walder
William and Ann Marie Waller
Sam Warren and Neala Kendall
Julie Watt
Philip Weinberg
The Weinstein Foundation
Weisman Family Foundation
Gregory and Patti White
Russell and Linda Wiitala
Mark Winnett
The Jennifer and James Wood Foundation
Jeff Yonover
Grant Ito and JoAnn Yosemori
Katharine and John Youngblood
Christopher Zirpoli and Rachel Carr
Atherton Family Foundation
Andrew R. and Janet F. Miller Foundation
Argosy Foundation
Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
The Campbell Foundation
Chicago Community Foundation at the recommendation of Builders Initiative
Flotilla Foundation
Flora Family Foundation
Hawai’i Community Foundation
IBJ Foundation
Lyda Hill Philanthropies
The Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) Fund
The Monarch Foundation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Oliver S. and Jennie R. Donaldson Charitable Trust
The Overbrook Foundation
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
The Summit Foundation
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation
Turing Foundation
UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and the International Development Research Centre
Corporate Partners
Acoustic Coffee
Ally Logistics
Ana Luisa
Babo Botanicals
Bambucha Kombucha
Beitel Group
Big Kahuna Spirits
Brooklyn Brigade
Coleman Associates
Color the World Cosmetics
Copper Bonnet Distillery
Del Sol
Evade Reef Company
Flexpower Health Inc
Fresh Clean Threads
Grant Industries
HORN Garment
Made by Mantra
MARE Swimwear
Moon Rock Wellness
Nemo Eco
Nudi Wear
Olita Shop
ONSET Computers
Project Reef
ProService Hawaii
Pura Vida Bracelets
Riot Games
Sea Star Beachwear
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Waddle Games
Workplace Giving
Abbott Laboratories
Activision Blizzard
America’s Best Local Charities (CFC)
American Express
Ameriprise Financial
Best Buy
Blue Shield of California
Boeing Company
Booz Allen Hamilton
Charles Schwab
City of Orlando
Estee Lauder Companies
Expedia Group
Hewlett Packard
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase and Co.
Kaiser Permanente
Levi Strauss
Liberty Mutual
Mile High United Way
Morgan Stanley
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Piper Sandler Companies
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Progress Software
Q2 Holdings, Inc
Rockwell Spark
Silicon Valley Bank
Spiral Financial
Take Two Software
The Clorox Company
The Trade Desk
Total Quality Logistics
U.S. Bank
Zillow Group
Memorials and Bequests
Soma Abrams
Lynn Ammend
Soma Ares
Stephanie Baker
Sarah Bennetts
Mary Lee Bishop
Willem Brand
Tammy Brown
Sheryl Butler
Patrick Campbell
Nathan Canfield
H. D. Chitwood
Jeffery Cohen
Sean Crisco
Blake Crowe
Violet Daigle
Neftalia Dickson
John Dewitte Dickson
Kuihealani and Leinaala Doria
Jack Dougherty
Gordon Fisher
Eleanor Gibbs
Michele Haber
Wayne Hasson
Lorraine Hemenway
Tony Honer
Linda Horn
Bill Kerr
Luke Kicklighter
Tom Longo
Joe and Joan Lynch
Nyoman Macok Mamiri
Nora Marks
Robert Maxwell
Philip Mazzulla
George Moran
Ryan Moriarty
Costanza Moroni
Paul Allen Myers
Greg Norton
Alvaro Rangel
Jeff Rehberger
Aaron Ritter
Samir Rizk
Patrick Rockstroh
Eugene Roediger
Peter Schliemann
Jan Shemanske
Becky Swanson
Caralyn Turner
Palma Umana
Estate of William Bruce Van Dyke
Gale Wagner
Tyler Justin Webb