Train the Trainers

CORAL and partners have developed this “Train the Trainers” program for tour guide operators in the Mesoamerican Reef to more effectively educate tourists about coral reefs and how to protect them. The resources below all encompass the Train the Trainers program.

Video Presentations

These four Modules cover a number of topics, including reef biology and ecology, the value of coral reefs, the global and local threats they face, what we can do to conserve reefs, and how sustainable tourism can have a major impact. Scroll down to learn about usage and sharing of these presentations.

Module 1 begins our “dive” into the incredible underwater world of coral reefs. You will learn about coral reef geography, biology, and ecology, as well as the value of coral reefs to people and wildlife around the globe.
In Module 2,  you’ll find out about the global crisis facing coral reefs today, and why over 75% of the world’s coral reefs are threatened. We cover local threats like water pollution and overfishing, as well as global threats like coral bleaching and ocean acidification.
In Module 3, you will discover that there is hope for coral reefs, and that you are part of the solution. We cover simple actions that you can take as an individual to help coral reefs and share some of the amazing conservation work being done to save coral reefs.
In Module 4, we discuss how tourism, if managed sustainably, can play an important role in protecting coral reefs. You will learn why tourism professionals and tourists are in a unique position to help.

These videos and their associated PowerPoint presentations are free to download for personal or educational use, with proper attribution (see below). Slides should not be altered without permission of CORAL. The use of this presentation for commercial purposes is not permitted. Please email [email protected] with questions around usage.

Please attribute the presentation with a link to our website and the following: The presentation was produced by the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) in 2019, in collaboration with NGO and government partners in Cozumel, Roatán, and Belize. Funding was generously provided by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


The following handouts are included in the training program and can be used by tourism operators to help educate tourists on the best ways to protect coral reefs.


Good Environmental Practices: Diving and Snorkeling

Coral reefs are among the world’s most spectacular ecosystems. As coral reefs face an increasing number of threats, coral reef visitors can play an important role in helping protect these vulnerable habitats. Follow these simple guidelines to become a “coral friendly” diver/snorkeler.


These accompanying presentations are used when giving the Train the Trainers course to tourism operators, and can also be seen in the videos above.

Module 1: Coral Reefs in the MAR

This first training covers a number of topics, including: reef biology and ecology, the value of coral reefs, the global and local threats they face, what we can do to conserve reefs, and how sustainable tourism can have a major impact.

Module 3: Coral Reef Solutions

Although there are many threats facing coral reefs, and it can feel hopeless at times, there IS hope! People around the globe are waking up to the importance of protecting our natural ecosystems. And tourism, if in managed in a sustainable way, can play a very important role in protecting coral reefs. You are part of this solution.

Module 4: Supporting Reef Conservation

In Module 4, we will be talking about how you can make a direct and concrete impact on coral reef conservation. As a tourism professional, you have the opportunity to share your ecological and cultural heritage with the world.

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Help save the world’s coral reefs