2020 Annual Report
This past year was a year of evolution–for all of us, as we all learned to navigate a new, ever-changing normal, and for coral reefs. Just like the reefs we work hard to protect, we grew, we adapted, and we overcame. In the end, despite the challenges and hardship, 2020 was a good year for coral reefs. Learn why in our 2020 Annual Report.
Letter from the Executive Director I Financial Statements I Thank You to Our Donors
Letter from the Executive Director
One month after I started as CORAL’s Executive Director early last year, the pandemic hit and we found ourselves in new territory. We know that our efforts are only as strong as our local partners—so we quickly pivoted and dedicated our resources to keeping communities and their conservation efforts afloat.
We reached out to our tremendous donors and institutional funders to help support our partners and cover their costs. We found creative and safe ways to bring communities together, and keep them feeling connected to their natural resources and the programs that protect them. We turned to science, and took advantage of the low visitor rates to establish baseline data on coral reef health without the added pressure of tourism. And we did all of it while prioritizing the health and safety of our own team.
Because of your support, we’re well positioned to make this year an even better year for coral reefs and the communities that depend upon them.
Thank you for helping us save the world’s coral reefs,
Dr. Madhavi Colton
Executive Director

Financial Statements
Although 2020 brought many unknowns, CORAL ended the year in a strong financial position. Your passion for protecting coral reefs was evident this year—you helped us achieve one of our strongest fundraising years ever, bringing fiscal year 2020 to a close with $2.5 million in individual and corporate donations.
And you can be confident that your donation went where it was needed most—nearly three-quarters of our total expenses went directly toward our conservation programs that are saving the world’s coral reefs.
As coral reefs face numerous threats around the world and the race against warming ocean temperatures continues, our work is more important than ever before. Our strong financial position will allow us to do even more in 2021 to protect these underwater treasures for generations to come.
Rob Watt
Revenue and Support | |
Individual and corporate contributions | $ 2,457,514 |
Foundation and government grants | $ 1,567,791 |
Other revenue | $ 31,534 |
Total revenue and support: | $4,056,839 |
Expenses | |
Program services | $2,467,644 |
Management and general | $432,084 |
Fundraising | $ 530,375 |
Total expenses: | $3,430,103 |
Net Assets | |
Change in net assets | $ 626,736 |
Net assets, beginning of year | $ 1,975,141 |
Total net assets, end of year | $2,601,877 |
Thank You to Our Donors
It was you, our generous donors, that made our work in 2020 possible. You are protecting coral reefs for generations to come—protecting the hundreds of animals that call reefs home and the millions of people who rely upon reefs for food and income. Thank you, gracias, and mahalo for joining our alliance and helping us save one of the world’s most crucial ecosystems.
Corals are the backbone of our marine ecosystem and key to maintaining healthy oceans and life on our planet. It is essential that humanity realizes the importance of saving coral reefs worldwide, and continuing to do everything we can to reduce the effects of human caused climate change.
Joe Casale, CORAL Council Member

Champions of the Reef ($10,000+)
Anonymous The Bear Gulch Foundation David W. Blackburn Jeff Chanin Debbie and Steven Cohen Lili and Wilson Ervin Holly and Jeff Fogle Suzanne Frey | David Greenewalt Charitable Trust HollyJolly Foundation The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation William O. and Anita B. Kerr The Light and Nature Foundation Ellen and Jim Lussier Mac and Leslie McQuown | Janet and Andrew Miller Monarch Foundation Nunu Charitable Fund Jim and Ginger Tolonen Elizabeth Wagner Robert Watt Mr. and Mrs. Whitley |

The cause of saving coral reefs is an urgent and important one. CORAL has put together a strong strategy and leadership team. The organization has not only survived, but is doing well in the face of a very challenging economic environment and a pandemic.
Jim Lussier, Outgoing Board member and Champion of the Reef
Guardians of the Reef ($1,000+)
Melissa Aaron Anonymous Gabrielle Armendariz G.P. Buzz Avery Foster Bam Tyler Barker Heidi Barrett Boger Family Foundation Jeffrey Bohn James-Lonnie Bowler Braaten Busse Joseph Casale Cynthia Casgrain Joseph and Barbara Chambers Lynann Chance Christopher Cherney The Terri Chernick and Charles Meyer Charitable Fund Guy Collins Colonial Hill Foundation Community Foundation of New Jersey Daniel Cousino Walter Craig B. Crosby Byers Buzz and Cindy Danner The David A. Lewis Peace Fund The Thomas R. and Deborah A. Davidson Foundation Sharon Depriester Naomi and Dorothy Donnelley Charitable Lead Fund Caroline Donnelly The Rose and David Dortort Foundation Fred M. Drennan William Dudley Dudnick Detwiler Rivin and Stikker LLP Douglas and Martha Dyckes David and Sarah Epstein Jennifer and Scott Etter Beth Fabinsky Andrew Fairley Barbara, Richard, and Suzanne Fontaine Linden Foos John and Fletcher Forbes Susan Freedman The Fullgraf Foundation Christine Funk Charla Gabert Irene Gawel Money Giving Fund Jack P. and Debbie Gibson Cole Giovannoni Glancy Family Trust Sandra Glenn Bianca Gonzalez Grace Family Foundation Michelle and Jonathan Green Charitable Fund Rita and Leo Greenland Family Foundation Shaun Griffith Timothy S. Gudukas | John and Jane Guild Omar Hammami James Handa Shannon Harell John Hauswirth Daniel Havir Renee Herzing Hiemstra Family Charitable Giving Fund The Hirth Family Foundation Steven R. Hoekman and Nancy J. Bauer Robert Hoffer Family Foundation Craig Holmes Doug Huestis Betsy Hughes Humanity Foundation Matt Humphreys Ryan Huning Masato Inoue Joel Jakubson Roger Janeway Jewish Communal Fund Blair and Ann Jones Lisa Kaeck The KCS Pacific Foundation Shane and Vani Keil Rusty Kelly and JP Stephenson Kelly/Butler Donor Advised Fund Morris and Jeannette Kessel Fund Jeanie and Murray Kilgour William Kissinger Marjorie Klayman Alexander Klein Andrew Klein Jillian Kreston Sam Laane Craig B. Laub Aileen Lee Taylor Leese Jeffrey Lehmer Helaine Lerner Donald and Mari Lobo Whitney Lynn Genevieve Marsh Kreg Martin Robert McCarthy Susan McCready W. Scott and Judy McNary Charitable Fund Brian Miller Joe H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Monnier Nancy Munro Bob Nakib John Newton Sisi Nimbus Brendan O’Grady and Priscilla Tan William Oberbeck | Alyson Owen and Criag Oliner John Ormand Steve Pickle John Platts Jonathan F. and Sara Jane Plehn Julian and Katherine Potenza Anne Powell Raghav Radhakrishnan Patricia and Robert Ragan The Riedlinger Family Nancy Rieger Camille Riner Jason and Brooke Rodier Stephanie and Daniel Rosekopanke Heather Runes and Rodney Prell Kirby Ryan Tim and Robyn Schaiff The Marius Schilder Da Fund Liz Schwarzbach Ruth Shapiro FNU Shreyas Siena Private Wealth Ellen Smolka and Tom Wolf Margaret Snowden Family Fund The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust Jen Star Foundation Greg Steele Cameron Stewart Jeffrey and Elizabeth Toretsky Adam Tratt Elna Tsao David Turner Jon and Nicole Ungar Elise P. van Buren Foundation Patricia Wade Tamara Wainer William and Ann Waller James and Judith Warner Laura Waters Julie Watt Dan Weinstein Weisman Family Foundation Robert Wells Beth Wendel and Randall Fergueson Gina Whitaker Debi and Wes White Sonja Wilder Williams Family Fund Mark Winnett The Wolfe Foundation Jennifer Woods Tierney Jeff Yonover Katharine and John Youngblood Michael Zakrewsky Dina Zimmerman Christopher Zirpoli and Rachel Carr |
Among CORAL’s many strengths is building capacity in its on-the-ground partners, which has been particularly critical given the devastating economic impacts of the pandemic. CORAL’s commitment to achieving meaningful, measurable outcomes mirrors our own, and we look forward to continuing our partnership for many years.
Cheri Recchia, Ph.D., Summit Foundation

Institutional Funders
Anonymous Arthur L. & Elaine V. Johnson Foundation Atherton Family Foundation Bently Foundation Bonnell Cove Foundation The Campbell Foundation The Flora Family Foundation Hawai’i Community Foundation | Hawai’i Department of Health Hawai’i Tourism Authority (HTA) MAR Fund The Moore Family Foundation National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) The Overbrook Foundation | Paul M. Angell Family Foundation The Summit Foundation Temple Isaiah Seventh Grade Fund The Tiffany & Co. Foundation The Turing Foundation Walter and Elise Haas Fund Waterkeepers Alliance |
Corporate Partners ($5,000+)
Boston Consulting Group Brooklyn Brigade Flyquest Gili Sports | GoodR LLC Hailey Home Hawaiian Airlines LifeProof | Precision Strategies NYC Operations Stasher Willie’s Superbrew Hard Seltzer |

I chose CORAL because as a diver and entrepreneur, I like that CORAL’s approach is backed by science. They focus their initiatives on reefs and not administration, and I genuinely believe they are 100% focused on coral reef preservation. Working with them has been easy and enjoyable, as well.
Jay Regan, CEO of Gili Sports and CORAL Council Member
Workplace Giving ($1,000+)
Apple Matching Gifts Program Google Matching Gifts Program Jackson Healthcare Johnson and Johnson | Local Independent Charities of America Merck Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program | Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program UHG Wonderful Giving |
Tribute Recipients ($1,000+)
Anthony Birdsey John Byron Tanner and Rudolf Meck Hergenrother Dr Jiulia Cambie Garett G. Donnelly Mark Epstein | Jon, Michelle, Carly, and Robin Green Larry Haimovitch James Handa Monty Hemple | Masato Inoue Lance Prince Wendy and Hans Weber Jessica Theresa White |