Join us for a webinar!

Creative Ways to Donate and Save On Taxes Along The Way
When: 1pm MST on Thursday, August 3, 2023 (Duration: 30 minutes)

You’re invited to join the CORAL Team for a 30 minute discussion about the different ways you can structure your nonprofit gifts while saving more on your taxes along the way. Prepare to hear a quick introduction to strategies such as setting up a donor advised fund and how to set up a deferred (planned) gift. 

With Special Guest: Tom McNary, Mercer Advisors
Tom is an avid diver, ocean conservation advocate and a Certified Financial Planner and tax planning specialist.

Please join us for this informative and brief informal discussion of how you can leverage your philanthropic giving to give you a leg up in your tax planning AND make a positive difference in the things you care about.

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