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México (Cozumel)

Javier Pizaña-Alonso

Program Manager

Javier has been deeply involved in sustainable tourism and the planning and socialization of marine protected areas since 1994. He conducted workshops on sustainable business practices for tour operators who work within the Parque Nacional Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancún y Punta Nizuc, and led the consultation, planning, zonation and management program at Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Puerto Morelos. His role as a facilitator on stakeholder identification, conflict resolution, and fostering local alliances to support the new marine protected areas has been widely recognized by CONANP and the local community. Javier began working with CORAL as a volunteer in 2007, conducting workshops on sustainable tourism and actively promoting the ICRAN voluntary standards for marine recreation in the Mesoamerican Reef System. He joined the CORAL team as full-time staff in 2018 and helps promote and strengthen the Mesoamerican Cruise Destination Network.

Sumergirse en el silencio del mar, la mejor manera de estar con uno mismo.

Javier Pizaña-Alonso
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