Roatán Marine Park: A Year of Strength

Over the last 15 years, we’ve stood alongside the Roatán Marine Park (RMP) as they’ve grown into the model marine management organization that they are today. They set the standard for how a marine protected area should be managed, and we’ve been honored to partner with them to build capacity and ensure they have the… Continue Reading →

Dirt road waiting to be restored in Maui, Hawaii

Talking Story About Maui’s Coral Reefs

Last month, we were honored to be selected by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as a recipient of the Coral Reef Conservation Fund grant, our second in as many years.  The grant supports our restoration projects in West Maui, Hawai‘i where we’re planting native plants along stream banks and degraded agricultural lands to… Continue Reading →

Dr. Antonella Rivera

There’s Nothing Romantic About Sewage

There’s a certain romanticized notion of what it must be like to be a coral reef scientist: living in a tropical environment with beautiful white sand beaches, snorkeling and diving every day, surrounded by colorful wildlife and pristine turquoise waters. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? And for Dr. Antonella Rivera, Principal Investigator for the Coral Reef… Continue Reading →

Screen shot of the Allen Coral Atlas

CORAL Partners with Allen Coral Atlas

We’re incredibly excited to announce that we just received a new $850,000, three-year grant from the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation to support facilitating a global network to monitor coral bleaching and water quality threat alerts from the Allen Coral Atlas. A new partner of ours, the Atlas is a collaboration of scientists and researchers… Continue Reading →

Solar Powered in Roatán

We helped the Polo’s Water Association secure funding to install solar panels on their wastewater treatment plant, reducing their energy consumption by about 80% each month. The Polo’s Water Association’s wastewater treatment plant in Roatán, Honduras is responsible for keeping nearly 30 million gallons of raw sewage out of West End’s coastal environment each year—sewage… Continue Reading →

Sustainable Tourism in México

Together with our partners, we trained nearly 130 tourism operators on best practices for coral reef conservation throughout México, Belize and Honduras this year. Each year, about 22 million people visit Quintana Roo, México. The Caribbean coastline offers beautiful clear blue waters, white sand beaches, and easy access to the second-largest reef system in the… Continue Reading →

Clean Water in Hawai‘i

We created a network of partners on Hawai‘i Island to launch a robust, volunteer-based water quality testing program and began monitoring sites around the island. In 2018, CORAL began building a local group on Hawai‘i Island to monitor water quality. Since then, Hawai‘i Wai Ola has grown to consist of eleven different organizations, volunteer community… Continue Reading →

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