Blue Flag Certification

Coral Reefs in Roatán Thrive with Clean Water

The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL), our partners in the Bay Islands of Honduras, and the people of Roatán celebrated a major win as a decade of work recently came to fruition when the island passed clean water standards for the first time since monitoring began in 2013. The island of Roatán, part of the Bay… Continue Reading →

Plant a Tree, Save a Coral

Jen Vander Veur is fighting an uphill battle to save coral reefs on the slopes of West Maui’s mountains. Jen is CORAL’s Program Manager in Maui, and she’s leading the charge on restoring Maui’s once lush forest to stabilize the soil and protect coral reefs downstream from being smothered by sediment, reversing the effects of… Continue Reading →

Let’s Start Saving Coral Reefs

At the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL), we’re on a mission to save the world’s coral reefs. But to do that, we first need to identify what the most urgent threats to coral reefs are. Luckily, we (and scientists all around the world) have the answer! According to scientific publications like the United Nations’ IPCC special… Continue Reading →

TNC scientist

Partnering for Change to Save Coral Reefs

By Dr. Madhavi Colton   At CORAL, our mission is Saving the World’s Coral Reefs. That means finding a solution to the biggest threat facing corals today- climate change. Troubled by warming ocean temperatures and mass coral bleaching events, we launched the Modeling Adaptation Potential (MAP) Project in 2016 to ask a critical question: Can… Continue Reading →

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Help save the world’s coral reefs