A New Bike Path for Maui?

Aloha, I’m CORAL’s newest addition based in Hawaiʻi. As a native Hawaiian, my passion for protecting our natural environment is a deep part of who I am. I was born and raised on Oahu, and growing up spent my summers surfing with my dad, paddling canoe with my sister, and working in the Lo’i (taro… Continue Reading →

Putting the LID on stormwater runoff

From a conservation point of view, we don’t often think of coral reefs going hand in hand with construction and development. But they do—coral reefs attract tourists, and with tourism comes infrastructure. Coral reefs also provide benefits to communities, and people tend to concentrate in areas where they can reap those benefits. Over the years… Continue Reading →

New Course Teaches Reef-Friendly Shoreline Innovations

For Immediate Release March 16, 2015 MAUI, HAWAI’I–The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) is partnering with the Sustainable Living Institute of Maui to bring a new course to the University of Hawai‘i Maui College’s spring schedule. The 5-week class, Reef-Friendly Shoreline Innovations, is designed to teach watershed stewardship and landscape design principles to shoreline property owners… Continue Reading →

Maui Leaders “Dive In” to Learn About Local Coral Reefs

For Immediate Release May 31, 2014 West Maui, Hawai‘i—For some local and state leaders, Saturday began with a special tour of West Maui’s most precious natural and economic resource—our coral reefs. Participants—a “who’s who” from within area government, hotel management, and other sectors critical to Hawai‘i’s future—donned their snorkel gear to explore both healthy and stressed reefs… Continue Reading →

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