Talking Story About Maui’s Coral Reefs

Dirt road waiting to be restored in Maui, Hawaii

Last month, we were honored to be selected by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as a recipient of the Coral Reef Conservation Fund grant, our second in as many years. 

The grant supports our restoration projects in West Maui, Hawai‘i where we’re planting native plants along stream banks and degraded agricultural lands to keep land-based pollution out of the marine environment. 

During rain storms, sediment and nutrients run off the fallow sugarcane and pineapple fields into the ocean where they smother coral reefs. The native plants help stabilize the steep slope and trap sediment in situ.

On January 21, 2021 we were honored to participate in NFWF’s Get to Know the Grantees webinar for all grant recipients. This year’s theme was Maui Nui Coral Reefs and we joined some of our partners and fellow grant recipients, like Ridge to Reefs, Inc. and Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, to share our knowledge about what is happening to Maui’s coral reefs and how we can partner with other organizations to save them. 

“It is really great being part of this community of practitioners and having the space to learn from our partners in Maui Nui,” says Jen Vander Veur, CORAL’s Senior Program Manager in Maui. “This webinar paved the way for scaling our impact through future collaborations on other islands, like Lanai and Molokai.”

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Help save the world’s coral reefs