Grouper, Local Fisheries & Marine Protected Areas

Day 5 of our underwater journey continues with groupers, local fisheries and marine protected areas. Five hundred million people around the world depend on reef fish and other animals for food and income. In addition to providing a significant source of protein for up to a billion people, coral reef fish support commercial and artisanal… Continue Reading →

Coral Reefs: The Medicine Chests of the Sea

Day 3 of our underwater journey continues with soft corals and their importance as a source of many medicines. Coral reefs are often referred to as the medicine chests of the sea. A number of creatures found on reefs produce chemical compounds that have been isolated to treat human diseases—and researchers believe that many more… Continue Reading →

One Person Can Make a Difference

Day 2 of our underwater journey continues with Paulo Kolikata, a Fijian fisherman from Kubulau and our 2015 CORAL Conservation Prize Winner. Individuals, like you or me, can profoundly impact components of the natural world – and that is particularly true with coral reefs. Over five hundred million people depend on coral reefs to support… Continue Reading →

Hard Corals, Nature’s Seawalls

Day 1 of our underwater journey starts with hard corals and how they protect our coastlines. Healthy reefs act as natural barriers that protect coastal cities, communities and beaches from pounding ocean waves. Without coral reefs, many beaches and buildings would become vulnerable to waves and storm damage. And with increasing storm intensity predicted as… Continue Reading →

Join Our Underwater Journey

  We are excited to participate in this year’s #GivingTuesday by highlighting the importance of the world’s coral reefs. Starting tomorrow, November 22, we will curate an underwater journey for you and CORAL’s supporters to celebrate the various marine life, people and organizations that are integral to creating and maintaining healthy coral reefs. You can… Continue Reading →

The Long Road to Recovery

It was early Sunday morning, in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Winston. No one knew the full extent of the damage it had left behind. Scattered reports were coming through the little transistor radio my mum kept for emergencies, and for the days and weeks that followed, it would prove to be an incredibly valuable… Continue Reading →

Protecting More Coral Reefs in Fiji

It’s a hot, humid day and I’m visiting the village of Waivunia on the island of Vanua Levu in Fiji. I’m sitting around a kava bowl with community elders, and we are discussing how to protect and conserve their marine resources. You see, this community depends on coral reefs, but the reefs are facing mounting… Continue Reading →

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