Tela Bay’s 2021 Closed Fishing Season Shows Success

Tela Bay, Honduras—Recent monitoring data collected from Los Micos Lagoon demonstrated a 483 percent increase in fish biomass after a closed fishing season in 2021, signifying both higher quantities and larger sizes of fish. Likewise, it showed an increase in diversity of species and trophic levels.  Los Micos Lagoon often suffers from overfishing, impacting populations… Continue Reading →

Reconnecting with the ‘Aina to Save Coral Reefs in Hawai’i

Land management plays an important role in Hawaiian culture, as well as the protection of nearby coral reefs. On the island of Maui, Noor, a local Restoration Biologist, and Poema, a Hawaiian Cultural and Plant Specialist, describe the significance of caring for the land in Hawai‘i.  Traditionally in Hawaiian culture, each person has a kuleana… Continue Reading →

Restoring Native Forest Ecosystems in Maui, Hawaii

In the Wahikuli Watershed in Maui, Hawai‘i, the CORAL field team restores native forest ecosystems to protect coral reefs. In this location, extra sediment often moves down from the mountains and onto nearby reefs, causing stress to the corals. By adding native plant rows, the team is able to trap sediment and prevent it from… Continue Reading →

#CORALVoices: Ana Valdez Martinez

As the first community scientist in Trujillo, Honduras, Ana Valdez Martinez works closely with fishers to monitor their catch and help them understand what’s happening to their coral reefs and their fisheries. It’s the first time the community has had such an in-depth understanding of what’s happening underwater, and the data she collects will allow… Continue Reading →

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