New Water Quality Data Empowers Local Residents

Hawai’i Island residents can find out what’s in the water at their favorite beaches for the first time. HILO, HAWAI‘I – January 19, 2022 – A new dataset, made public this month by Hawai’i Wai Ola, gives community members access to high quality, open-source water quality testing data dating back to June of 2020. Volunteers… Continue Reading →

Thank You for Supporting CORAL’s Volunteers in Maui

We are proud to support a dedicated team of local volunteers in Maui, Hawai’i, as they work to protect the valuable coral reefs in their community.  By using “best management practices,” which are effective measures used to reduce marine pollution, we are able to minimize sediment pollution on coral reefs. Our volunteers grow and plant native… Continue Reading →

Why Donors Choose CORAL: Jackson

Meet Jackson, one of CORAL’s youngest donors. He held a lemonade stand in his hometown and donated the proceeds to save coral reefs. Learn why Jackson gives back to our alliance. Q: What motivates you to give to CORAL? A: So that I can raise money to help save the coral reefs. Q: What excites… Continue Reading →

#GivingTuesday: Protect Coral Reefs and the Next Generation

It’s the biggest day of giving and your chance to make a difference. This #GivingTuesday, support CORAL and our work to keep coral reefs healthy. The actions we take today will impact future generations and the fate of our oceans. An international report determined we’ve lost 14 percent of the world’s coral reefs in the… Continue Reading →

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