Honduras fishers return to shore

With Healthy Fisheries, Everyone Wins

Santos Banegas has been fishing off the coast of Puerto Castilla, Honduras, for the last 35 years. At the start of his fishing career, he remembers routinely catching 300 to 500 pounds of fish a day, which meant he could easily feed and support his family. Today, he’s lucky if he catches 30 to 40… Continue Reading →

New CORAL Board members

Meet Our New Board Members

We’re pleased to welcome two new members to the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) Board of Directors: Lauretta Burke and María José González.  We sat down with both of these inspiring conservationists to find out more about their goals for CORAL.  Q: Why do you feel so passionately about protecting coral reefs and what keeps you… Continue Reading →

Catalogo de especies de bahia de tela

CORAL Creates First-Ever Fish Catalogs in Honduras

Lea esto en español When Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) researchers first began working with fisheries on the North Coast of Honduras, they encountered an all-too-common dynamic: Local fishers held a wealth of knowledge of the various fish species of the region, but that information wasn’t documented anywhere. The local knowledge is passed down from generation… Continue Reading →

Coral bleaching in Hawaii

Uniting A Global Coral Bleaching Response Network

Coral bleaching events make headlines every year. And each year, bleaching events have become more frequent and severe. Take Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, for example: In the last five years, the reef has been hit by three record-breaking coral bleaching events—one in 2016, one in 2017 and another in 2020.   But the Allen Coral Atlas… Continue Reading →

Manuel Mejia

Dive In With Manuel Mejia

Born in the Philippines and long-time resident of Hawai‘i, Manuel Mejia, our Hawai‘i Regional Program Director, harvests a deep passion for coral reefs and our need to protect them. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with him and dive in to this passion a little more. Q: Where does your passion for the… Continue Reading →

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