CORAL Joins Maui Nui Makai Network

The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) is honored to join the Maui Nui Makai Network—a network of community groups from across Maui Nui that protect and care for marine and coastal ecosystems. The network was established in 2013 when community organizations decided they would be stronger working together than separately. Network members meet regularly to learn… Continue Reading →

New CORAL Board members

Meet Our New Board Members

We’re pleased to welcome two new members to the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) Board of Directors: Lauretta Burke and María José González.  We sat down with both of these inspiring conservationists to find out more about their goals for CORAL.  Q: Why do you feel so passionately about protecting coral reefs and what keeps you… Continue Reading →

Sun shines through the water on a coral reef in West Maui, Hawaii

New Partnership Between CORAL and Hawaiian Electric Industries

We’re thrilled to be one of four nonprofits included in Hawaiian Electric Industries’s (HEI) ongoing commitment to protecting and preserving Hawai‘i’s natural environment. This new partnership will allow us to address our highest priority needs in our Hawai‘i program over the next year. This includes working with community volunteers to restore Maui’s steep slopes to… Continue Reading →

Screen shot of the Allen Coral Atlas

CORAL Partners with Allen Coral Atlas

We’re incredibly excited to announce that we just received a new $850,000, three-year grant from the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation to support facilitating a global network to monitor coral bleaching and water quality threat alerts from the Allen Coral Atlas. A new partner of ours, the Atlas is a collaboration of scientists and researchers… Continue Reading →

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