The Coral Reef Alliance is recognizing the accomplished women at CORAL and in marine science and conservation across the globe. This is especially important in Honduras, where “most of the people working in marine conservation are women,” according to CORAL’s Associate Program Director in the Mesoamerican region, Jennifer Myton.
CORAL’s staff in Honduras includes Jenny Myton, the Associate Program Director, Pamela Ortega, the Program Manager and Dr. Antonella Rivera, the Principal Scientific Advisor for Honduras. Read more about them below!

Jenny Myton began working for CORAL in 2008 and began working on sustainability and environmental standards in the dive industry. In her free time, she worked to protect Cordelia Banks, a thriving coral reef in Honduras, and conducted reef monitoring and implemented water treatment programs. Jenny remains committed to doing marine conservation in Honduras, saying “There is something that needs to be done and you do it.”

Pamela Ortega began working for CORAL in 2012 and works with the community to establish programs like fisheries enforcement. “When you work with local communities and involve them, everything clicks and it becomes a movement. We’re able to work on these tough issues and transmit a message of confidence and faith, and it really helps pave the road to success.”
Dr. Antonella Rivera began working for CORAL in 2017 and conducts fisheries research on the north coast of Honduras. Her work involves applying the science to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to establish fishing recovery areas, and she works with local communities to find solutions for at-risk fisheries. “We really need to get out there and tell people what it is we’re doing, how it works, why we’re doing it, and really get the message out to the whole community. We need everyone to know why it’s important to protect these resources.”

International Women’s Day Honduras from Coral Reef Alliance on Vimeo.